Working on behalf of a Landlord, we replaced a 20yr old Vaillant system boiler in this apartment block in Peckham, South East London.

Peckham apartment block
The old unit was beyond economic repair, and our customer wanted the peace of mind a new boiler with a 5 year warranty would bring. We imagine his tenant would be appreciative too.
We removed the old unit, powerflushed all the radiators, and dosed the system with corrosion inhibitor.

Powerflush machine pressed into service as a WorkMate

Nearly finished, the old wooden pipework cover fitted
When we connected the new boiler there were problems with the hot water motorised valve in the upstairs airing cupboard. Upon examination the wiring and and the valve were suspiciously new; it turned out that the owner had paid a plumber and an electrician a not inconsiderable amout of money to diagnose and fix a fault earlier this year, and they had made some elementary wiring errors……this took us another hour to rectify. But we like controls wiring jobs, haven’t found one we can’t fix yet.
The flue needed to pass under an external balcony; we modified the old boxing to accommodate the new flue.

New flue arrangement
The old system had no room thermostat and relied on radiator valves with thermostatic heads. This is no longer permitted when a new boiler is fitted*, because the boiler continues to fire regularly even when the rooms are up to temperature, wasting fuel. We fitted a Honeywell programmable room thermostat, with a 7 day programme.
*to be pedantic, there is an exception for a boiler with an integral heating flow switch, such as one of the Baxi models.