Our customer lives in Oxted, Surrey, and had an Ideal combination boiler initially installed under the Warmfront scheme around 7 years ago.
Not uncommonly for this model, a plethora of parts had been fitted over the years to try to keep it working, but without any success. Some of the old parts were still on site.
We recommended fitting a new Worcester Bosch Greenstar 28i Junior condensing combination boiler.

Worcester Bosch Greenstar safely installed in cupboard
This new unit easily fitted inside the old boiler cupboard, and was considerably quieter than its predecessor.
This was quite an easy job (makes a change) because all the pipework was in good order and there was a nearby drain (needed for a condensing boiler).
We ran the new condense drain in 32mm tube, as this is recommended by Worcester Bosch for outdoor applications to prevent freezing, which commonly occurs in bad weather when normal 21mm pipe is used. If you have a Bosch boiler displaying ‘EA’ in freezing weather, you can bet it is a blocked drain……
We fitted a Bosch plume diversion kit to the flue, to direct the steam (called plume) from the low eaves area and thus preventing damage from plolonged exposure to damp.

Just inside the eaves - new flue and plume extension
As usual, the warranty was extended to 5 yrs, covering our customer for any breakdowns until 2014, using the 320 strong (at last count) Worcester service force.